Samanta Krishnapillai, The On Canada Project

Samanta Krishnapillai is the Founder, Executive Director and Editor in Chief of The On Canada Project (OCP). The OCP launched in June 2020 to address the gaping inequities in pandemic-related communications. Since then, they have grown to use their conversational, credible, compassionate and critical lens to talk about issues facing our country. Samanta’s dynamic and participatory leadership style enables the grassroots, volunteer-based project -- with over 170 core team volunteers -- to empower and engage Millennials and Generation Z to stay informed, take up action and champion change in the time of COVID-19 and beyond. The project aims to equip Canadian youth with easy-to-understand, equitable and evidence-based information, so it is easy to engage in public discourse. They simplify and share information so their audience can champion change and work towards addressing deep-rooted systemic inequities in Canada.


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Carol Walters, Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners (AlzSWP)


Elyssa Rose, Okaadenige Program, Atlohsa Family Healing Services